Lincoln Elementary School
161 Mystic Valley Parkway
Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 721-7017
Ella Adams-MacLeod, Principal
Mary Gallant, Assistant Principal
Carol Megna, Administrative Assistant
Regular School Hours:
Grades K-5: 8:05 AM - 2:25 PM
Early Release Dismissal Time:
Grades K-5: 11:25 AM
Lincoln School is an elementary school of approximately 400 students. It is located in the center of town. The entire building and grounds underwent major renovations in 2003. Many original features were preserved resulting in a kid-friendly and architecturally rich environment.
As stated in our improvement plan, childhood is valued at Lincoln School. We strive to structure a curriculum that encourages academic excellence while honoring each student's unique profile and contributions. Through collaboration, professional development, and reflective practices, our staff provides meaningful learning experiences based on the common core standards. Through our Code of Respect, The RULER approach, school motto, and behavioral policies, Lincoln School also strives to embody a culture of respect. Students, staff, and parents work together to promote respect for all members of our community, respect for our property, and self-respect. Initiatives such as Growing Up and Reaching Out, and the Annual Food Drive reflect our efforts to demonstrate respect for people outside of our own community.
The Lincoln School Parent Association, to which all of our parents belong, provides financial backing for curriculum programs, supplies, and enrichment activities such as Authorfest and Mentor Night. They give countless hours of volunteering in the classroom, in the library, and at events. Most importantly, they send us delightful children who are eager to learn because their families value education.
We hope that you visit our website and our district website to stay informed of all that is happening at Lincoln School and throughout the Winchester Public Schools.
-Ella Adams-MacLeod, Principal
Lincoln Quick Links
Aspen Family Portal
WPS’ Student Information System (SIS), access family information and student grades
Receive notifications and alerts from the WPS Central Office and your student’s school.
Food & Nutrition
View daily lunch menu choices, meal nutrition and manage “MySchoolBucks”
Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD)
BYOD for fifth-grade students. View recommended devices, care & use policy.
School Health Services
WPS Nursing will guide students in making choices to support a healthy future.
Lincoln LSPA
Lincoln is proud to have an active and inclusive Parent Association (LSPA) dedicated to the enrichment of our students.