WPS Art Department
Art Department
The Winchester Public School K-12 Art Department offers a comprehensive, sequential, vertically aligned curriculum taught by highly qualified artist-educators committed to the district and program vision. Students explore a wide variety of materials and processes and are offered a robust range of learning experiences that focus on creative problem-solving, collaboration, and clear communication of feelings, ideas, and understanding.
Students will create various 2 and 3-dimensional projects that focus on idea generation, quality craftsmanship, and informed critical reflective thinking. Most importantly, students are encouraged to realize their creative artistic potential for self-expression by developing strong technical skills and studio behaviors that build the confidence to explore, experiment, and take risks with their abilities and ideas.
The Winchester Public School Visual Arts program teaches traditional, hands-on media along with new media by using current technology in the art studios and labs. Through a curriculum designed for structured choice in tandem with the exploration of materials, students develop the visual literacy and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate an ever-increasingly visual and tech-based culture.
The WPS K-12 Visual Art Curriculum is informed by the Massachusetts Visual Art Curriculum Frameworks, The National Core Art Standards, and WPS and community goals, initiatives, and culture. Deemed a core subject area in Massachusetts Common Core of Learning and ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), Visual Art provides students with essential 21st Century Skills- Creativity, Innovation, Problem Solving, Collaboration, and Cultural Competency.
The WPS Art Department believes that the Visual Arts are vital to the understanding and building of community and culture. WPS Art Department actively provides opportunities for both families and community members to be participants in our students’ art education. Student artwork is displayed throughout the year in all seven school buildings and additional exhibits such as the annual districtwide “Town Day K-12 Art Exhibition” to share our curriculum and celebrate the extraordinary artistic achievements of Winchester children.