2025-2026 Lottery
Application Process
At this time, the Winchester Preschool for 2024-2025 does not have spots available.
2025-2026 School Year:
Preschool classrooms for the 2025-2026 school year will be at the new Lynch Elementary School.
Application for the 2025-2026 Lottery:
The preschool lottery is currently open through noon on Friday, January 31, 2025. Apply through this link for the 2025-2026 preschool lottery. To be entered into the lottery, each applicant must:
● be a Winchester resident,
● be 3 years of age on or by September 1, 2025,
● successfully submit an application through the website, and
● submit the non-refundable application fee
On Monday, February 3, 2025 we will hold a lottery for new students to fill available seats as well as to determine the order of the waitlist. Families will be notified by email within 48 hours of the lottery, regarding their acceptance into the program or their child’s position on the waitlist.
In order to accept and maintain your child’s position in the preschool program, you will need to make a non-refundable deposit in the amount of $400 for the morning preschool and $800 for the full day preschool by Friday, February 7, 2025. Additional details will be provided with your child’s acceptance letter.
Winchester has transitioned to an online registration process. When informed of your child’s acceptance into the preschool, the registration link will be made available to you. In order to maintain your child’s position within the program, we will be requesting that you complete your child’s online registration by Monday, February 24, 2025.
Please email Sarah Casey at scasey@winchesterps.org for more information.
Winchester Preschool
40 Samoset Rd
Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 721-7013 x4009
Marlena Ysalguez, Director of Special Education
Sarah Casey, Preschool Supervisor
Melinda Perenick, Administrative Assistant
Welcome to the Winchester Preschool Program! We are an integral component of the Winchester Public School System as we educate Winchester’s youngest learners ranging in age from three to five years.
Our programs utilize an integrated team approach to instruction and curriculum development. Together, the teams create lesson plans and support students in learning through both work and play. Our six preschool programs together make a comprehensive team of educators, including; teachers certified by the Massachusetts Department of Education, Speech and Language Pathologists, an Occupational Therapist, a Physical Therapist, a School Psychologist, a School Nurse, and Teaching Assistants.
The Vision of Winchester Preschool
To promote the cognitive, language, social, emotional and motor development of our youngest learners by providing programs and services that supports the needs of the individual child and family.
Our instructional concepts are presented through all sensory modalities – a multi-sensory approach. We encourage the children to experiment, explore and discover in all areas of development. What may be viewed as play is truly a rich learning activity for the young inquisitive mind. These learning tasks provide the foundation for learning and promote readiness skills in each learner. Our teams work toward common goals and encourage each child to develop at his or her own pace.
The Winchester Preschool bases comprehensive curriculum development in alignment with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, the Guidelines for Preschool Experiences, and the Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment Tool.
Preschool Screenings
The Winchester Public Schools conducts preschool screenings for Winchester residents ages 3 to 5 years of age in an effort to identify children who may have a disability and are in need of special education support. It is designed to review a child's development and assist in the identification of children who should be referred for further evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. If you are concerned with your child's development and are concerned that your child may be presenting with a disability, please email Sarah Casey at scasey@winchesterps.org to discuss your concerns.
Preschool Quick Links
District Calendar
2024-2025 Staff List
WPS Health Services
Preschool Curriculum
The Winchester Public School's preschool curriculum is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for preschool-aged learners and the Teaching Strategies Gold objectives. The preschool educators have worked together to determine common monthly themes and core vocabulary, literature, skill areas, songs, and fingerplays to support the monthly themes. The curriculum is supported by the Heggerty Curriculum, Wilson Fundations, Expanding Expression Tool, Second Step Social Skills Curriculum, and Everyday Math Curriculum. Please enjoy our curriculum slideshow, which showcases all aspects of our curriculum and additional links to curriculum links listed here.
2024-2025 Tuition Rates
Nonrefundable Deposit = $400
October 1 = $575
November 1 = $575
December 1 = $575
January 1 = $575
February 1 = $575
March 1 = $575
April 1 = $575
May 1 = $575
June 1 = $460
Total = $5,460
Nonrefundable Deposit = $800
October 1 = $1,100
November 1 = $1,100
December 1 = $1,100
January 1 = $1,100
February 1 = $1,100
March 1 = $1,100
April 1 = $1,100
May 1 = $1,100
June 1 = $795
Total = $10,395
Payments can be made online at: https://unipaygold.unibank.com/default.aspx