School Safety
Overview of School Safety at WPS
The safety and security of our students, faculty/staff, and visitors are of the utmost importance to the Winchester Public Schools (WPS). The WPS continuously reviews our policies and procedures to ensure that recent research and data support the policies we have in place.
The WPS Incident Management Team (IMT) comprises faculty/staff members from each school in Winchester and members from the Winchester Police and Fire Departments. Likewise, each school has an IMT filled by administration, faculty, and staff members. The WPS has implemented the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) as developed by the “I Love U Guys” foundation. The SRP is action-based, flexible, and easy to learn and provides rationally organized tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders, and other threats to personal safety. The SRP has been incorporated into district training through our IMT and shared with our Winchester Police and Fire teams.
All Winchester Public Schools practice various safety drills and procedures throughout the school year. First, faculty are trained yearly about these procedures without students in the building and during after-school hours. Then, based on what is developmentally appropriate, we involve students in practice. Additionally, during the first few weeks of school, elementary-level students participate in safety discussions with school leadership and their teachers. We use a common “Safe at School” slide set and visit school rally points. Students at the secondary level review emergency procedures and are made aware of their rally points.
Procedures & Drills
By implementing similar practices and security measures at each of the school buildings throughout the Winchester Public School district, we will create a system with clear and established procedures. This will enhance the response of the faculty and public safety to meet the needs of the students, faculty/staff, and the community at large during an emergency.
The Winchester Public Schools have implemented the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) as developed by the “I Love U Guys” foundation. The SRP is action-based, flexible, and easy to learn and provides rationally organized tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders, and other threats to personal safety. The SRP has been incorporated into district training through our Incident Management Team (IMT) and shared with our Winchester Police and Fire teams.
Download: WPS Safety Situations - Family Guide.PDF
(Only occurs at the secondary level): During this drill, information is shared over the public address system that an unauthorized individual in the building. Teachers will talk with their classes about making decisions in these situations. Training that teachers have received includes Assessing the situation, Communicating, and Taking Action. This may include evacuating the school and gathering at rally points or locking down and barricading until public safety releases the classroom. Prior to a drill of this procedure, parents/guardians will be notified.
(4 per year) Most common drill. All people in the building evacuate in an orderly fashion with faculty to a designated meeting location, on or near school campus. Attendance is quickly taken. Administration is responsible for ensuring all students, staff and visitors are safe and accounted for.
Parent/Guardian’s Role in an Emergency
Stay Home
Most important thing you can do in order to keep your student and yourself safe is to stay away from the school unless told to come.
Stay Informed
Information is shared with families as soon as possible. How families receive information is outlined in the guide below.
Be Ready
Be prepared to receive and follow instructions from Winchester Public Schools (WPS), including where to go, and what to bring if needed.
How to Stay Informed?
Emergency Communications
WPS families should submit Annual Student Updates through Aspen each year to ensure the WPS has appropriate contact information and register for ParentSquare to ensure they receive information from the district.
Safety Situations
The below guide outlines how families will receive information based on each specific safety situation.
Download: WPS Safety Situations - Family Guide.PDF
INTERFACE Referral Service
The William James College INTERFACE Referral Service works to increase awareness of mental health issues impacting children, families, and adults and to facilitate access to appropriate outpatient services. Visit their website for additional information and guides to help you throughout the process of seeking outpatient mental health services.
Through the Helpline (888-244-6843) that operates Monday-Friday from 9 AM- 5 PM, callers from the Town of Winchester will work with a Resource and Referral Counselor who will help them navigate the challenges of finding mental health services.