WPS Finance & Operations

Annual School Budgets

Stay Informed

We encourage you to explore these documents to stay informed about how Winchester Public Schools budgets. Your engagement and feedback are vital as we strive to create an effective and equitable educational environment for all students.

Agendas for our upcoming School Committee and School Committee: Budget Subcommittee meetings are posted on the Town of Winchester website 48 hours before the meeting.

Regular School Committee meetings are broadcast live on WinCAM and rebroadcasted on the local cable channel, Comcast 22/Verizon 36. Prior meetings are also streamed on WinCAM under Municipal Meetings.

FY26 Preliminary Level Services Budget

What is a Level Services Budget?

Our FY26 preliminary level services budget aims to maintain the same standard of service provided in the current FY25 fiscal year, with adjustments for known and projected changes as of January 23, 2025.

UMDI Enrollment Report

On Monday, February 24th, the EFPBC and WPS School Committee held a joint meeting to review UMDI’s enrollment report and projections.

FY26 Recommended Budget

Our recommended budget will build on the Level Services Budget to include those resources (people, materials, etc) needed to support our teachers and students. This budget will include updated numbers to reflect changes that may occur over the next several weeks, including enrollment projections, special service needs, and other items that may not be included in the Level Services Budget.

Most importantly, it will include priorities identified through engagement with our teachers, staff, parents, and broader community. The Recommended Budget will be designed to align with the considerations from our Committee and Leadership to meet our Strategic Goals, as determined by both staff and the community.

Budget Documents & Meeting Archive


Bill Payments

Winchester Public Schools uses UniPay to process all online payments. Use our UniPay portal to pay Athletic Fees, Music lessons, Preschool Deposits & Tuition, Summer Enrichment Fees, and WHS Student Activity Fees.


Nutrition Services

Breakfast & lunch are provided each day at our schools.

Facility Rentals

The policy of the Winchester School Committee is to encourage rental use at times that do not conflict with school activities.


Information Technology

We envision that technology is used seamlessly for differentiated teaching and learning in Winchester's education community. Students will utilize technology as a catalyst and tool for creation, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving. We will prepare all students to become information literate, teaching them how to find, analyze, and use information. We believe they will become life-long learners, productive, and contributing citizens in an ever more complex world.



Registration is now open for 2024-2025 Bus Transportation.


Public Bids & Request for Proposals

If obtaining Bids or RFPs from this website, please register by emailing the IFB/RFP contact in order to receive any addenda which may become available.


Request for Proposals (RFP)

Invitation for Bids (IFB)

  • None at this time


Asbestos Notification

A copy of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Management Plan for all Winchester Public Schools is available for review in the main office of each school and at the Department of Public Works during regular school hours. Any inquiries regarding asbestos-containing materials in our schools should be directed to the listed contacts.

AHERA Management Notification (August 2024)



  • Peter Lawson, Facilities Director (Town of Winchester)

    • 781-721-7100

  • Andrew Marron, Director of Finance & Operations (Winchester Public Schools)

    • 781-721-7000 x1000



Andrew M. Marron, Director of Finance & Operations
amarron@winchesterps.org | 781-721-7000 ext. 1000

Sophie Gallacher, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Finance & Operations
sgallacher@winchesterps.org | 781-721-7000 ext. 1000

Michelle Kingdon, Finance & Human Resources Manager
mkingdon@winchesterps.org | 781-721-7000 ext. 1014

Nancy Clark, Payroll Coordinator
nclark@winchesterps.org | 781-721-7000 ext. 1080

Donna Skeffington, Accounting Coordinator
dskeffington@winchesterps.org | 781-721-7000 ext. 1002

Marie Altieri, Human Resources Coordinator
maltieri@winchesterps.org | 781-721-7000 ext. 1003

Stephanie Blass, Accounting & HR Specialist
sblass@winchesterps.org | 781-721-7000 ext. 1001

Business Office
80 Skillings Rd
Winchester, MA 01890

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM