WPS Math Department
Math Department
The Winchester Public Schools strives to offer a cohesive, coherent, and challenging program to all learners, K-12. We recognize that mathematical literacy is as essential as verbal literacy and scientific literacy. Therefore, the primary goal of the Winchester Public Schools mathematics program is to enable all students to achieve mathematical literacy. The characteristics of a mathematically literate person are encapsulated in the Mathematical Practice Standards of the Massachusetts Frameworks. In Winchester Public Schools, we expect that all students will be able to
Make sense of mathematical problems and persevere in solving them
Reason both abstractly and quantitatively
Explain their reasoning and discuss another student’s reasoning
Model real world problems using mathematics
Use technology as appropriate to support learning and problem solving
Be precise in their answers to problems
Recognize and use patterns and relationships between mathematical ideas in order to solve problems
Elementary (K-5) Math
Each of the five elementary schools is committed to mathematical instruction based on and consistently aligned with the mathematical standards outlined in the Department of Education’s Massachusetts Curriculum Framework. Throughout the grades, students develop proficiency in counting and cardinality; operations and algebraic thinking; number and operations in base ten; number and operations--fractions; measurement and data; and geometry.
Teachers use a combination of inquiry-based, Concrete-Representational-Abstract, and targeted explicit instruction. Their instruction, along with a variety of games, and other engaging activities, allows students to gain number sense and fact fluency, and develop a deep conceptual understanding of their grade-level standards while fostering curiosity and positive feelings about mathematics.
At each grade, teachers provide opportunities to develop the mathematical practices listed above by teaching with a relational understanding lens that builds upon one’s knowledge, providing time to engage in rigorous problem-solving tasks, having students model abstract concepts with math manipulatives, and encouraging discourse between students that both sharpen and deepen their understanding of math skills.
The work done in elementary math classes results in the same fundamental skill set as it always has; however, with an eye on the 21st-century skills needed for future success, teachers now purposefully plan activities that not only result in a strong set of mathematical skills but also build important competencies such as the ability to collaborate on challenging tasks, the tenacity and capability to make sense and solve complex problems, the aptitude to think critically and flexibly and the opportunity to find enjoyment in the process.
McCall Middle School Math
All students at McCall Middle School take mathematics. Students are grouped heterogeneously in Math 6. Grade 6 teachers recommend students to one of three Grade 7 courses, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 7 or Advanced Algebra 7. Grade 7 teachers recommend students to the appropriate Grade 8 math course.
Throughout middle school, students develop proficiency with Number Sense, Ratio and Proportion, Algebraic Reasoning, Geometry, and Statistics. Students develop their problem solving skills alongside procedural knowledge in all mathematics courses. Students use a wide array of technology to enhance their learning, and calculators are introduced as appropriate. Course descriptions may be found at the link below.
Winchester High School Math
The Mathematics Department at Winchester High School offers a four year sequence of courses for all students, which accommodates students with varied background and aptitude in Mathematics. Curricula for our courses are constantly being updated and designed with input from the NCTM standards, the Massachusetts Frameworks and the College Board; we believe, however, that all students should be taught many skills, concepts and applications that go beyond the expectations of these standards. Our goals are to lead our students into higher-level critical thinking and problem solving as well as to enable our students to apply previously learned mathematical concepts and skills into new situations.
The Winchester High School graduation requirement for Mathematics is two years but the Mathematics Department encourages all students to continue with the study of Mathematics throughout their four years. We believe this will better prepare them for college and their future careers.
We believe in a variety of instructional methods appropriate to the material being taught and to student needs and interests. Technology provides a dynamic approach to the learning of Mathematics, and these tools are used for exploration and investigation as well as for the development and extension of mathematical topics. A graphing calculator is an integral part of all courses beyond STAG 1. Within the Mathematics Department there are multiple levels of study. Prerequisites for all courses are indicated in the individual course descriptions. Placement in courses is based on the student’s grades, the recommendation of the teacher, performance on department exams, and student/parent input. Students and parents are always strongly encouraged to appeal any decision which they feel is not in the student’s best interest.