WPS Science & STEM Department
Science & STEM Department
The Eight Science and Engineering Practices, Pre-K-12:
1. Asking questions and defining problems
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
7. Engaging in an argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
McCall Middle School
Science & STEM
Science at McCall
The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Frameworks are thematically organized and draw from the core disciplines of physical, Earth & space, and life sciences. This integrated approach, with each grade engaging in all three disciplines, mirrors how scientists and engineers carry out their work. At the end of grade 8, students will take the STE MCAS which draws from the 6-8 curriculum.
Through the science and engineering practices, McCall science students observe and come to understand the natural phenomena around them. Per the expectations laid out in the STE Frameworks, students engage daily in one of the eight science practices paired with at least one grade level content standard.
Winchester High School
Science & STEM Department
Science at WHS
Building on this middle school foundation, WHS faculty nurture students’ curiosity and deepening competency in the MA content standards and practices through hands-on investigations using authentic technology used in the lab and in the field. Students are encouraged to pursue the core courses of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. A variety of electives are available for students to pursue their scientific interests including, Applied Neuroscience, Forensic Science, Marine Science, as well as AP level Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science.